Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Introduction to an Ethnography on Hinduism

This is a project created for English 1302 at Texas A&M University-Commerce for a course taught by Jennifer Jones. The purpose of this research was to better understand the Hinduism religion/culture and way of life. I set out to find the various literacy's inside this religion that outsiders would not be able to understand. Through out numerous interviews and observations I was able to record and understand the thoughts and beliefs behind this religion. I got to know how the religion works on a day-to-day life and exactly why this religion is considered a way of life rather then a religion. By observing the insiders at the temple I was able to learn and interact with the daily literacy’s that go along with Hinduism. My informant was there to guide me through the process and also inform me on the basic facts that need to be known when interacting with the Hindu culture. While trying to better understand the religion I had to first understand the lifestyle. Interviews were conducted in order to gather this information. I gained knowledge about the world and facts about India through this process. I was able to visualize the way this culture is set up by understanding why it is the way it is. This project in general was a great way to expand my knowledge of the world outside of the United States. I learned so much about Hinduism and culture in general just by listening to my informant and the other people that were interviewed. This ethnography helped me gain the knowledge I needed to excel in the interconnected global society we live in today.

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