Sunday, April 5, 2015

DFW Hindu Temple

Peace, love and Worship

The DFW Hindu temple is located in Irving Texas. It is a place for worship and praise. This temple was very special because in India most temples are created for one specific God to be worshiped however this temple contained many Gods in the sanctuary instead of just one. The way Hinduism takes place is also interesting. There is not one individual that formally organizes Hinduism because it is done with ones own will and devotion to the way of life. The main goal in Hinduism is to reach God and escape. However this religion is very flexible with the way individuals go about attaining that goal. Hinduism understands that each and every person is different and there should not be one specific rule to adhere to. This belief basically works with each person individually in order to better his or her lives as Hindus.

As I leave the parking lot ready to enter the temple I open the first door where I immediately see a room filled with shelves. This room is where I was expected to take my shoes off in order to enter the sanctuary of the deity’s. The purpose of taking your shoes off is to show respect for the Gods in the temple. After taking my shoes off I was directed to wash my hands. This is also a sign of respect because I used my hands to remove my shoes. By washing them I take all of the dirt off properly in order to enter the next phase of the temple.

As I walk through the double doors I am blown away with the magnificent colors and decoration that surround the Gods. They are all dressed in bright colorful clothing each with their own specific artifacts and attributes that go along with their meaning. I walk into a group of people singing scripture to a God. They all sing together to the God and follow with putting their head to the floor to show respect. Every member of the group singing did this. When they were done they handed everyone that was around them sweets. I was told to collect my sweets in my right hand because the left hand is looked at as impure. Hinduism focuses very much on purity within the house and temple.

            This image shows one of the Gods that are held in the DFW Hindu temple. This is Ganeshji the Hindu deity in a human form but with the head of an elephant. He is the son of Shiva and Parvati.  He represents the power of the Supreme Being that removes obstacles and ensures success in human endeavors. This is just one of the many Gods that are worshiped in the Hindu temple. They are all dressed in bright clothing and beautiful colors. Each God is surrounded by certain figures and pieces that go along with their story. Each God also is depicted with a weapon of their choice to show that they to can defend and fight as well as be looked at as an idol of pureness.

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